Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have been chastised

The following conversation occured five minutes ago. Names and dates have been changed to protect the innocent.

Um, well, not dates.

*knock on my door*

Felicity McWillybottom: Hi, I'm Felicity McWillybottom- I live a couple apartments away. Have you been having parties the last few weeks?
Me: Yes. I'm sorry, were we too loud?
FMW: A little. I'm sorry to bother you, and I don't want to be a party pooper, but I just wanted to say something since I had to be up at 8am, and there was so much noise coming from your place...
Me: Oh-- I'm so sorry, I'll tell people to keep it down. There was a bit of a yelling match between two people last night and I asked them to leave. Sorry if it disturbed you.
FMW: All I heard was someone yelling, "F*CK YOU, HO!" outside my bedroom at 4am. I thought they were talking to me, since I'm a prostitute.
Me: *blank stare*
FMW: Well, and a cocktail server.

This complex never ceases to amaze me. The buildings are probably some of the nicest setups in the city, the people here tend to be of a higher caliber, and then bam... the hookers start moving in. I'm probably the only guy in the city who's been told by a hooker to stop screaming at 4am.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Well she respects herself enough to set a boundary with you, Geo. :D

Still that is a rather self-inflicted pain to think the world would only be screaming at you at 4am for no reason.