Monday, December 18, 2006

It's been a long year

My, my, my... I am a bad little blogger, aren't I?

I clicked on this link on my profile for the first time in, oh, 7 months today. After reading my gut-wrenching bloggorhea on wanting to leave Vegas, I realized that this place hasn't been so bad to me, after all. I've since found a fantastic group of people to work with, and am slowly tunnelling my way into a lifestyle that's not wholly repulsive.

Of course, I leave for Breck on Saturday, and who's to say I won't flip out again?

Last weekend was spent in the company of some of my best friends, and I had a great time. Ross and Katie are officially a married couple, mazel tov, and I've been jerked back to the real world in record time. I'm mentally planning the reunion in my mind already, but that's neither here nor there.

Describing the weekend's events is proving a little hard for me, as some of them I am assuming are merely wild Jack Daniels-induced hallucinations. Needless to say, I had a great time connecting with my oldest friends, and getting to know some great new ones. I really wish I'd gotten to sleep in the Groomsmen pad for one night, if for no other reason than to relive the days of yore when Ryan would rattle foundations with his snores. Good times, gents, good times. Weekends like that make me wonder why I missed out on getting to know all these great people that were skirting the edges of my life for so long, but we learn from it and life moves on. I mean, once you go from a lackadaisical detante with a girl, to holding her ankles for dear life as she perches precariously out of a third floor window*, well, you realize the potential for a good bond was there all along.

As you've no doubt guessed, this post serves no purpose other than to take the previous drivel's place as my most recent post. I can't stand to have some morose crap stand as a testament to my bipolarity, so I'll leave you with these parting words: I'm content, or as Lindsay Lohan would say, "adequite". Here's to a fantastic 2006, and an even brighter 2007.


*Okay, so maybe she was perfectly balanced on the ledge, but that didn't stop me from being mildly concerned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dodec Ross and Katie Love....I thought they broke up???? I suppose they mended things :)